Raise The Candy Bar

Place your candy orders today to make it a sweet day! Call us at: 847-677-5777

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The First of Several New Products From the Recent Candy Show

A few weeks ago I wrote how I went to the Candy Show. I walked 20 plus isles of candy that had to be sampled. Such a tough job but someone has to do it.

But in all seriousness I walked the show with a mission to find natural and or organic candies. I must confess I did this for  two reasons. The first is selfish, my son has an allergy to food coloring and it must be brutal to be the kid of the candy man and not be able to indulge in all of the candy in the store.

The second and equally important reason is that I have customers who request these products.

I am pleased to announce that we are now officially carrying

Natural 30 Flavor Jelly Beans

I am happy to say that these jelly beans are just as good as their counterparts with the artificial colors and flavors.

The life of the candy man is sweet, have a sweet day I know my son will today!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Candy for All

This post may upset some of my readers but part of our mission has been to be inclusive whether it be in having a large variety of candies regardless of your allergy and/or dietary choice such as casein free or sugar free or whether you need a Chocolate Menorah or a Santa Claus.

My wife and I made the decision that we should be inclusive not just on the food front but on all fronts. You are probably wondering what is the Candy Man talking about?

Well back in December the Governor said that starting June 1, 2011 Civil Unions would be legal in the State of Illinois. I am happy to say we were ahead of the curve in that we were the first candy company to the best of my knowledge to offer LGBT friendly chocolate wedding cake toppers and  as well as LGBT friendly pretzel toppers as party favors too!

Well about a month and a half ago the Cook County Clerk's Office contacted me at the store and asked if we would be interested in participating in a Party at the Dailey Center for the first group of couples to get there Civil Union licenses I jumped at the opportunity and last Wednesday I was in Downtown Chicago bright and early.

So if you  know of anyone who is going to have a commitment ceremony or a traditional wedding please remember that we offer a wide variety of party favors and custom chocolates.

 Sweeten up peoples lives is all part of living the Life of the Candy Man.